18 year old female carer
Currently Studying
- Psychology
Currently at Southern High School
Other Skills
Optimistic, Funny, Fast pace, organized
Spanish, Basic American Sign Language
Residency Status
Police Check
Looking for: Part-time, Casual Babysitting
I'm a responsible, talkative, and patient babysitter with a passion for working with children. While I don't have any professional experience yet, I have younger siblings and nieces and nephews that I've cared for over the years. I'm comfortable with pets, chores, and helping with homework. I'm skilled in drawing, reading, language, crafting, music, and games, and I love engaging children in fun and enriching activities. Although I'm still in school, I'm excited to apply my knowledge and enthusiasm to providing excellent care for your family. Let me know if you'd like to schedule a meeting to discuss how I can support your childcare needs.
Before School
After School
From 6pm
0-12 months
1-2 years
2-3 years
3-5 years
5+ years
Non smoker
Driver's License
Has Car
Housework Cleaning
Anaphylaxis Training
First Aid
Parent References
Background Check by sitter
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